Fat Loss: Learn To Eat Right, Your Body Will Do The Rest.- By: Lucas Thompson

Description : I am health nut, and I have had many people look at me like I am insane. They see me eating a certain way and avoiding certain things and ask me, don t you feel like you are missing out? I respond with the same question, don t you feel like you are missing out? . For as I see it, their over indulgence with health destructive, fattening foods is making them miss out in many ways.

Being fat and unhealthy does not only make you less attractive, it shortens your lifespan and makes experiencing life more difficult. Wouldn t it be nice to run up the stairs when you re in a hurry, and not lose your breath? Or chase your dog through a park?

You may think that those health destructive foods taste good, but it is only a superficial taste sensation, and it only lasts for as long as you are chewing. But when you swallow those sweets, or that fried or processed food, your health suffers and your body goes to work storing it as fat.

I have watched fat people in the gym, struggling to lose it. They spend weeks and months strenuously exercising to no avail. This is because these people have been misled into believing that they got fat from being lazy. Therefore, they believe that they are going to get skinny from being active. Wrong. They got fat from the foods they chose to eat, and will only lose the fat by changing their eating patterns.

I had a friend come to me who was on the verge of being discharged from the military. He was overweight and had been warned that if he didn t weigh ten pounds less, by a certain date, he would be kicked out. The military was his life and his career, he didn t want to be kicked out. He had been following a strict calorie counting diet and heavy exercise program for over a month, and wasn t losing weight; he had actually gained a few pounds. He had two weeks left until his weigh in, and he was desperate. He came to me because he knew about my lifestyle and dietary choices, he saw that I was fit and asked me to help him. Together we reviewed his diet. The problem wasn t the amount of calories he was eating, it was his choices of food and drink that was keeping him fat. So we changed his diet and exercise routine, and almost instantly he began losing the fat. Within two weeks he lost the ten pounds and passed his weigh in. People were even complementing him about his looks.

Losing fat isn t hard. Actually, it s as easy as chewing. But if you want to lose fat, you must become educated in the proper way to do it. The weight loss industry is a multi billion dollar enterprise. From pills to exercise machines, to diets and even surgery; yet we are still the fattest nation on earth. This is because we have been misled; tricked and miseducated into keeping us fat. Fat people get sick easier, they eat more food, and they spend more money on trying to lose weight. These three things alone fuel the medical industry, pharmaceutical industry, food industries, and weight loss industries.

Do yourself a favor and get educated on the proper lifestyle to promoting weight loss. When you know why you have gotten fat, and how to lose it, you have the power to change and become the person you want to be. Stop buying expensive supplements and exercise machines. Instead, spend the money on educating yourself. When you are properly educated, you will not be able to be manipulated into buying the things that don t bring about the changes that you deserve. You will save money and lose weight; your life will change, your body will become more functional and appealing to others, and you will be able to interact more comfortably with Life.

Eat the right foods and your body will do the rest.

Article Source : http://www.look4articles.com/

Author Resource : Luke's Links provides information about how to lose fat. Luke's Links: Alternative Ideas and Products for Health http://www.lukeslinks.net